
Kids and Creativity - Tips For Sparking Your Child's Natural Creativity

Childhood and creativity seem to go hand in hand. Many times, the best thing we can do to encourage and spark their natural creativity is to get out of their way.

Here are some tips that have worked for me to help spark our children's natural sense of curiosity and creativity.

1. Have a variety of art supplies and make sure they are readily available. This doesn't have to be a big expense. Order some discount supplies online or shop around at flea markets and discount stores. Things you will want to include: cotton balls, beads, white glue, glue sticks, rubber cement, rhinestones, paper, markers, colored paper, crayons, watercolors, and oil pastels, along with a variety of papers. Also fill a box with things that you find around the house: tiny containers, old magazines, old holiday cards and so on.

2. When your children finish a piece of artwork, ask them to tell you about it. Engage your children in a conversation about the various creative choices they made that created the finished product.

Try your hardest not to criticize these choices. Just really listen to what they have to say. You might also want to point out that it's often the things we think are mistakes in our art that lead to some of our best and most creative work.

3. Prominently display your child's artwork when it is complete. By doing so, you demonstrate that you truly value their art and creativity.

4. Talk about your own creative endeavors. It's important for your kids to see your own creative processes. Whether you paint, write, scrapbook, photograph or sew, allow them to see you (often) engaged in a creative pursuit. Make sure that you are honoring your own creative artwork by displaying your work prominently in your home, as well.

5. Work on art side by side with your child.

6. Visit art museums and galleries together and discuss what appeals to you the most. Discuss how the appreciation of art is very personal and unique to each individual.

7. Actively encourage your children in the creative pursuits that they seem drawn to. If they show interest in a musical instrument or a new genre of dance, for example, sign them up for a short workshop or class where they can learn more.

8. Show your kids that every day of life can be creative and filled with imagination. Show your kids, though your own actions, that they can bring creativity and fun to common, everyday tasks and, in so doing, make them more fun.


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